So my birthday started well; but it ended in disaster - that cold I thought I was brewing? It exploded into action about an hour after I posted yesterday and I spent the rest of the day feeling like I was going to die.
I ended up spending my birthday night asleep; crashed about 8 and woke for half an hour at 11, then crashed again. Fun.
Somewhere in a lucid moment I did at least manage to do some cooking; my Mum raised me with the saying 'Feed a cold, starve a fever' (is that a real saying or just one she made up?) so whenever I get a cold I feel the need to stuff myself silly. Enter my bleary-eyed creation: spaghetti with bajan seasoning, olive puree, spinach and black beans:
Tuesday, 26 July 2011
Feed a cold
Posted by Opalline Star at 05:11 0 comments
Monday, 25 July 2011
New Blog!
So here I am, with my brand new blog fresh out of the wrapper and now I don't know what to say!
Other than it's my birthday!!! I'm sitting on my bed watching my 7 year old play on the Xbox, listening to music and making this blog. It's very chilled out and would be just about perfect if I hadn't just broken a nail, the downstairs didn't look like a bombsite, and I didn't also feel like I was brewing a cold, but hey, it's close enough for me!
I'm feeling happy today because I have the week off work and it's sunny outside! Maybe I'll actually get to wear some summer clothes this week!
I'd better tidy up a bit. But first, here's an appropriate song for today... Happy Birthday to me! (Hopefully without any actual massacres, of course).
Posted by Opalline Star at 05:40 0 comments